Chaetodontoplus melanosoma

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Chaetodontoplus melanosoma

Maintenance :
Compatibilité aquarium récifal :
Taille adulte moyenne :
18/20 cm
Taille minimale de l’aquarium :
500 to 1000 liters
Relations intraspécifiques :
Dimorphisme sexuel :
Zone de vie dans l’aquarium :
Full water
Conseils de nos experts :
Naturally fierce like most chaetodontoplus, it remains fairly hidden in the meanders of the natural reef. He can therefore be a little fierce when he arrived in aquarium, and will gradually take confidence if he is not attacked by domineering fish (surgeons, other large angels). Once at ease, will circulate freely in the water column.
Consumer of sponges, algae and tuniciers in the natural environment, the captivity transition is usually not difficult, the chaetodontoplus are naturally quite opportunistic, they will quickly accept thawed food, pellets, mollusc and crustacean preparations chopped, to which we will always add a vegetable contribution as for all angels fish.

Because of its natural diet, rich in sessile invertebrates, and its very opportunistic omnivorous diet, we do not recommend reef cohabitation, especially with LPS and Zoanthus.

Please note, like all chetodontoplus, is sensitive to skin parasites (crypto and oodinium), watch out for contact with passive promising fish.
Paramètre physico chimique de l’eau :
Temperature 24-27 ° C, salinity 1.022-1.024, pH 8.0-8.4, KH 6-10, mg 1200-1400, CA 400-480, No3> 10, PO4> 0.05
Régime alimentaire :
Origine géographique :
Pacific Ocean


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