Zanclus cornutus : magical fish, an idol

Marine fish Zanclus cornutus is commonly called Moorish idol. It shares, in synonym, the taxon Zanclus canescens. Fish that is rather common in Indo-Pacific however less common in a marine aquarium because of its difficult maintenance in captivity - its nutritional requirements that are difficult to fulfill. But the beauty of this specie deserves some effort. ( Zanclus cornutus)
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Zanclus cornutus

Zanclus cornutus est une espèce délicate sur le plan alimentaire.

Maintenance :
Compatibilité aquarium récifal :
Taille adulte moyenne :
Taille minimale de l’aquarium :
500 to 1000 liters
Relations intraspécifiques :
Lives on a pair
Dimorphisme sexuel :
Zone de vie dans l’aquarium :
Full water
Conseils de nos experts :
A delicate acclimatization fish, relatively difficult to encourage feeding. Once this period has passed, if the space is large enough and the rest of the population is not a source of stress, life in the aquarium can be concerned. The Zanclus remains, however, a strong fish, dominating and little inclined to share its territory with any fish considered as a competitor. To be reserved for expert aquariophiles and large aquarium volumes.
Paramètre physico chimique de l’eau :
Temperature 24-27 ° C, salinity 1.022-1.024, pH 8.0-8.4, KH 6-10, mg 1200-1400, CA 400-480, No3> 10, PO4> 0.05


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