Centropyge eibli

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Centropyge eibli

Maintenance :
Compatibilité aquarium récifal :
Taille adulte moyenne :
15 / 5.9
Taille minimale de l’aquarium :
100 to 200 liters
Relations intraspécifiques :
Lives in a harem
Relations interspécifiques, ne pas maintenir en présence de :
Having difficulty with the other species in his family, except large volume of aquarium. Can harass smaller shy fish.
Dimorphisme sexuel :
Dimorphisme sexuel du mâle :
Plus grand et de forme allongé, couleurs plus brillantes et vives
Dimorphisme sexuel de la femelle :
Smaller and round, duller, like young individuals (male or female)
Zone de vie dans l’aquarium :
Full water
Conseils de nos experts :
Relatively robust and easy to acclimatize, Centropyge EIBLI can be an angel fish adapted to any aquariophile, as long as we take into account the care it requires. However, its fairly large size, and its soaked character only makes it compatible with a volume of aquarium from 300 liters for an individual or 400L for a pair or a trio. We will avoid putting this fish in the company of other species of angels, because a war of territory can then be put in place, especially if the space is restricted, and the dominant will not cease to harass the lowest . In larger volume, several species (to the very distinct coloring pattern) can be collected, preferably by introducing them in a close way into the aquarium, so that all of them choose a personal space without resorting to force. Well at ease once acclimatized, relatively not very fierce for a centropyge, we can accompany EIBLI Centropyge of all kinds of medium -sized coral fish. Compatibility with fierce fish is quite bad, C. EIIBLI can scare them and try to harass them.

Centropyge EIBLI is a relatively frequent trade in trade.
Very active during the diurnal phase, it is a lively fish, which circulates everywhere in the decor, sneaks between the rocks with fast and graceful movements. We will also often see him pecking on stones, looking for food: consumer of micro algae, various sessile organisms and benthic microfauna, he can lack varied nutrients in captivity: that's why we then see Sometimes Centropyge EIBLI "folds down" to the fleshy hard corals and the hinge coat. This is particularly the case of females in the reproductive phase, because they need quality nutrients to support the rhythm of the laying.
If most individuals will remain to peck the corals in a sporadic manner and devoid of harmful consequences for the colonies, certain specimens are truly problematic for maintenance in reef aquarium. However, it is not inevitable: if you see your fish typing in a coral, you have to try to calm the hunger from the EIBLI Centropyge by offering it a maximum of varieties of high quality thawed meat (mysis, artemia enriched , chopped krill, lobster eggs, etc.), the shell or chopped mold, plus a daily vegetable part like tender spirulina pellets, and if you find, special preparations for angel fish (they are in the form Condés called "Pygmy Angel Formula", "Angel Formula").
If you have a large volume, hosting herbivorous fish to which you distribute dried nori leaves, you will see your EIBLIGE CENTROPYGE Come and eat it. Likewise with the molds or shells given on pliers, dwarf angels also come to take their share on it.
Most centropyges easily acclimatize to dry food (glitter and pellets).

His average life expectancy is ten years.
Paramètre physico chimique de l’eau :
Temperature 24-27 ° C, salinity 1.022-1.024, pH 8.0-8.4, KH 6-10, mg 1200-1400, CA 400-480, No3> 10, PO4> 0.05


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