Ctenochaetus strigosus

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Ctenochaetus strigosus

Maintenance :
Compatibilité aquarium récifal :
Taille adulte moyenne :
15 cm / 6 in
Taille minimale de l’aquarium :
300 to 500 litres
Relations intraspécifiques :
Relations interspécifiques, ne pas maintenir en présence de :
Aggressive towards other ctenochaetus and often against the Blennies. Peaceful with other surgeons.
Dimorphisme sexuel :
Zone de vie dans l’aquarium :
Full water
Mise en garde :
Slicing scalpels present at the base of the back fin
Conseils de nos experts :
Ctenochaetus are the least aggressive and territorial surgeons of their family. Excellent Alguivore, almost detrimentary, it runs the hard substrate to scrape all the microalgae and search the sediment. Appreciates being nourished on the one hand vegetable (pellets, seaweed) every day.
The real strigosus is endemic to Hawaii. You will find in all our provenances of the Indian ocean the ctenochaetus cf. Strigosus, which is actually the truncatus, which is very similar to it. The eye is surrounded by yellow like Hawaiian fish, but the body is covered with small fine white dots, not lines.
Paramètre physico chimique de l’eau :
Temperature 24-27 ° C, salinity 1.022-1.024, pH 8.0-8.4, KH 6-10, mg 1200-1400, CA 400-480, No3> 10, PO4> 0.05
Régime alimentaire :
Origine géographique :
Pacific central


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